Monday, 15 December 2014

More Grasshoppers ...

Wow it has been a busy few weeks jam packed full of people and activities round the community. Grasshoppers are in full season and off course we had to learn how to prepare and cook them in the school. Amazingly the students had eaten them but did not know how to prepare them ready for eating. So we asked one of the lovely ladies from the wellspring office, Jackie to teach us. We had bought a huge bag of them and were there for quite a while tearing off their wings and legs ready to be fried. Surprisingly they are very oily creatures and I’ve actually changed my mind on them; they are quite tasty with a bit of seasoning!

The bag full of Grasshoppers!

Preparing to fry


Last Saturday was Wellsprings Community Day and wow what a day! The community day is put on every year to bless and put back into the community.The day began by going round the streets in a van calling out on a big sound system what was going to take place that day. I was asked to call out on the mirciphone around the streets in Luganda, this was a challenge but was pleased to say after a little while got there and I hope people started to understand this ‘Mzungo’ calling;  ‘Abuntu Mwena, Lelo co Wellspring, no Longonso, Okekeebera Omusayi …’ It was fun and a great opportunity to practice the language in public! 

The van that we drove through the village telling people about the community day& what was being offered.  

Telling all the people in the village about the Free health care 

Then it was our go on the 'call out..!'

Once the call out had been completed a team of people went out to pick up litter from the streets for a couple of hours.Throughout the day the health centre was open for free HIV testing, blood testing, free vitamins and medicines given out to children, testing for heart conditions, stomach issues and dietary advice . The people came in the 100s and it was incredible to see the people line up and wait for treatment and care they could not otherwise afford. 

Litter picking around the streets of Bweyogerere


The team

Free medical tests, care, help and support

Waiting to be seen by a medical professional

Whilst this was going on the people who have been on various courses around the community graduated. Wellspring and the people here are having such an impact in the community here and there were countless stories of women who have learnt new skills over the course of the year they can use to work in their community. Some ladies learnt to read and write for the first time, some have learnt to create their own hairdressing and craft business thus helping them to have skills which will help them to gain employment in the future.

It was a really inspiring and moving day; in fact I found myself at the kitchen sink washing the pots crying and just so moved because of the impact and life transforming stuff that is happening – the Kingdom of God has defiantly gripped people, is in action and evident here!

The school has now closed for Christmas. The students were very ready for a break and looking forward to the Christmas holidays. As a celebration of the end of term,  we went swimming. Stupidly I completely took for granted being able to swim and realized quickly that a few of the students were scared of the water and could not swim. So was challenged to think back to being young, at swimming lessons and think about what could be done to teach the students that were before me! There was such a range of abilities between the students and so the excellent swimmers within the group banded together to help teach the students who could not. After a couple of hours the students were all in the water paddling at least.

Enjoying the pool!

Amazingly I just received a very generous gift of a flight home for Christmas! So I’m now looking forward to celebrating Christmas with friends and family in the UK. It’ll be nice to catch up with people face to face over the holidays, not sure how I will manage the cold however, It is 10:30pm here and it is still hot, hot, hot!   

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

We're Growing ...

 Last week we saw some very exciting news at Wellspring as we gained another student, now making the student count all of 6. Slowly, slowly we are developing and making progress. We also have a new student who is also planning on joining us in January.  Exciting to think that by the time the student had arrived I’d only been in Uganda for just one month and a new student had been added already.  Although I cannot take the credit for this student coming along it is exciting to think and hope for a student to be added each month over the course of the year, this would mean that the school would have grown and developed by 60% in one year! Come on!

We have also seen some changes to the old classroom. It has been painted and the students were charged with making the displays look appealing and interesting.  We now have two classrooms that we use and they are now looking great and our now a good environment for developing thinking skills and curiosity.

Painting the old classroom

Sorting out the new displays. It was a big task!
Moving tables from one classroom to another!

The second classroom all sorted and painted

Alongside the academic subjects, the students have enjoyed a range of different activities. A particular highlight has been when the students taught the upper primary class how to bake.  The secondary students only learnt how to bake a marble cake the week before and then put their skills and new learning into practice by teaching the younger students. It was great to see the students developing their leadership skills whilst leading the upper primary.

Making a coffee cake

The boys working out the measurements
Secondary students teach the upper primary students how to make a cake

On Sunday we hosted the school open day. This was an excellent time of celebration with over 200 parents attending; it also was a prime opportunity to advertise the secondary school, which off course we did. There have been ‘murmurings’ of parents from the primary talking about sending their children to the secondary school, hopefully this will come true, only time will tell what their decision will be.  In fact I have just had a parent pop in this morning to say they have 3 children that they are looking to send to the school in January, this would be fantastic and are praying for this.

It has been great to have Holly back in Uganda with a team from links. Holly was here for 7 years and worked as the head of the primary school. It has been so good to be able to spend some time with her this side of the world. The links team have been working with the primary school on the agenda of ‘Fit for Life,’ so during the open day we enjoyed various fun physical activities for children, parents and teachers. It was lovely to see everyone getting involved.

Driving in the rain on the back of a boda!

The rainy season has begun in full throttle, we have enjoyed many a thunder storm, this has resulted in a few leaks in the house and it has been good fun to try and find out how to stop the leaks whilst it is quite literally pelting it down outside. The roads get quite flooded in some parts when the rain pours, it has been fun driving through flooded roads on the back of ‘boda’s’ (motorbike taxi)!

Talking of traffic, we saw Kampala get very excited with the last football match; Uganda vs Ghana in the African cup. I live nearby Nelson Mandella Stadium where the football is held and made the mistake of driving into Kampala just before (well a couple of hours) before the match. It was mayhem and lets just say an experience driving; first of all driving pretty much a minibus which is about 6 times bigger than my car in the UK, bodas weaving in and out of the anything in their way with people dressed in their national team colours, flags flying everywhere, ‘matatus’ (big minibus/vans that run as taxis) cutting in at any which way and people crossing at any point! Wow, it was an experience but glad I’ve now managed the crazy roads in Kampala!

The community car, imagine how much bigger this is than the little Fiat 500!

In the last couple of weeks, I have also been learning about the procedures of Uganda. After an hour journey to Kampala city in a packed matatu I found out that I couldn't pick up some letters at the post office because I’d forgotten my I.D. ….dohh! Believe me I tried to bend the rules in explaining that I was from the UK and didn't know the procedures, however this defiantly didn't work! Next time I travelled to Kampala I remembered the I.D and then really enjoyed investigating the city for the first time on my own. It was so good to get my bearings around the city. The people here have been so welcoming and friendly and have taken me to many different places here but I was finding it hard to connect them all together. So it was an enjoyable experience to investigate on my tod. This was the first time I had been on my own since being here actually, (6 weeks now) that's how welcoming people have been!

I think I will leave it there for now … SO much has happened in the last few weeks and it is difficult to know what to write to ensure it is interesting … until next time!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Half Term Antics & so much more ...

Time has flown by so quickly and nearly a month has passed, well three days short of this.  So much has happened in the last few weeks where to start…FOOD!  I was excited to go to the local market the other day and buy a bag full of carrots, tomatoes, aubergines, onions, peppers and garlic for just over £1. Even Coventry market would have to work hard to compete with these prices!

The local market in Banda; next town along from bweyogerere where Wellspring is. 

Yesterday I was 'lucky enough' to try a local delicacy of Grasshoppers. Lets just say they were interesting and not sure I'd have them again!

                                                   Eating the local delicacies!
I’ve now managed to work out the pattern that the electricity is on and off, this makes it sooo much more manageable especially as now can be prepared for a no electricity day. It is challenging to think about how much more we rely on in the western world, I love the Ugandan laid back attitude they have to things like this which is often met with an ‘oh sorry…’ and that is that.

At the school since we are following the Cambridge curriculum we have the same holidays as the UK and so last week half term was met with happy student faces. The students were in school for the first two days and then we enjoyed a four day holiday. During this time I had the privilege of going with Wellspring into one of the communities (Kito) they work into. Unemployment is high in Kito and many of the people have not had the opportunity to be educated hence making it difficult for many people. As part of the community work Wellspring help to train people with skills that will help them find employment and the skills necessary to set up their own small business if they so desire in the future. These include literacy lessons, hair dressing and Jewellery making.

Learning how to create different Hair stlyes in Kito

Bead & Jewellery making

60/ 70 people & a cow turned up to the lessons in the community

Literacy lessons

Off course the ladies being trained in hairdressing loved having a ‘Mzungo’ (White person) there and enjoyed trying out their hair styles on ‘novelty’ hair they had not plaited before. In return the ladies taught me a bit of Lugandan, which means I now need to try it out…. Eeek!

There have been many success stories of people who have found work since being trained in the community. Around 60 / 70 people came along and it was so inspiring to see how lives are being transformed here.  

Last week I also saw the arrival of a new housemate, Ruth from the UK. She is lovely and it is really nice to have a bit of company in the house. She will be here until December. We have enjoyed entertaining many people in the house and have enjoyed a few games nights. Whether these evenings happen to be by torchlight / candle light or the power is on it inevitably ends up competitive!  

Ruth is setting up a charity here and works in partnership with other schools in the area. So during half term I tagged along with her to visit a local deaf school called BDI.  It is only a small school with 53 students attending, the majority of these students board in a small space. This was quite challenging to see especially faced with such poverty! However it was amazing and so inspiring to see and feel the amazing love the children and staff have for one another. I was so challenged by how they showed love to one another and were so thankful to God for what they had, such a challenge for us in the developed world. 

Many children with disabilities of any kind are seen as not worthy of any kind of love or care, or even an education. This means that even though the school is FREE the parents have to be persuaded to send their child to the school. The children here were beautiful and could have stayed for along time!

BDI School

Meeting the children of BDI school

Learning sign language

24 girls sleep in this dormitory

This week it has been good to get back to teaching and working on trying to spread the word about the school at Wellspring. This means many an email and phone calls have been made. We will see what will come of this! The students have enjoyed learning more practically this week, one of the highlights has been learning about the growing of crops. To do this I have given the students a piece of land each in which they are responsible for tending to and growing two crops of their choice. So this week the hard work of clearing the land took place!  

Students at Wellspring clearing their piece of land.

So I’ll end with what I started with ….Food! Yesterday we had an amazing experience when some of the young people in Wellspring came over. A few of the wonderful ladies taught us how to cook traditionally. My particular favourite was making a 'whomba,' (spelt phoenetically not sure of the correct Lugandan spelling!). Basically it is meat cooked in a sauce using banana leaves, yummy!

Cooking the meat

Pumpkin & Matooke ready to be steamed with banana leaves

Mama Jackie who taught us all there is to know for traditional Ugandan cooking

Making the 'Whomba' 

The finished product!

Patricia being superwoman chopping wood for the fire   

Janet and her banana leaves

The traditional Ugandan Meal

It has been lovely to hear all of your news in the UK too…keep the news coming, love to hear about you all too!!