Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Advertisements, visitors and a library!

What a busy and exciting month this has been! Where to begin?

Thanks to Sophie Greener; an A’level student at Caludon Castle School we have been able to design and print leaflets and a school prospectus to advertise Wellspring International School.  Sophie raised money by selling cakes during lunch times and break times. With this money we have been able to create excellent advertisements, which in turn will help us to develop and grow. As we come to end of the academic year these leaflets have come at just the right time to advertise for the next school year.  Next week we will be delivering these leaflets to people in the nearby local areas.

After hard work in organising, registering and sorting the amazing amount of books we received from Books to Africa and the Nettle Hilll team we are pleased to announce that the library is now set up and complete with over 2440 books. It has been amazing to see the students in both the primary and secondary schools absolutely enjoying reading the variety of books here.

A variety of books to chose from

There are so many books ranging from academic text books for a range of subjects from English, Maths, Science, Psychology, Sociology, Geography, History, ICT, Business studies and many more subjects to Novels; including Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Romance and Comedies to Biographies, books around Food, Travel and Entertainment. We also have around 600 books for the primary school and young readers, including many reading schemes.

This resource is the only one in the area, it will be used to support the community work that is already taking place within Wellspring and beyond. The community work helps to teach those who have not had the privilege to go to school basic literacy skills. The library will not only be an excellent resource to support this work further but will also support the work that takes place in both the primary and secondary schools. Helping to develop a love and culture of reading.

Enjoying learning in the completed library

As the school year comes to an end we are looking forward to our last open day for the year on Sunday 5th July. This will be a day where we can really advertise the school and newly opened library.

Drama lessons

Over the last two weeks I have had the privilege of having some very special visitors coming to volunteer at Wellspring. Three ex students from Caludon Castle School; Charli Roberts, Arron Hope and Jyoti Chauhan, (all of whom I taught when they were 13 years old, and then the girls I taught A level Philosophy, up until they were 18 years old) came to offer their help and support. They were involved and stretched out of their comfort zones whilst taking part in many activities in both the primary and secondary schools. They taught PE lessons, Music, Dance and Drama lessons and also did some arts and crafts lessons with the primary school. A particular highlight was seeing them teach the students how to dance English Style to the famous ‘Saturday Night’ dance. I don't think Arron ever thought he would ever teach a dance lesson!

Parachute Games

 They were also involved In teaching English lessons with the students from the secondary and helped to support these students facilitate and lead a whole school debate with the primary. This was an excellent tool to develop the secondary students’ leadership skills whilst they took on the role of facilitators in the primary!

English lessons

Secondary students teaching the primary students

Secondary students teaching the primary students

Chali, Jyoti and Arron also enjoyed helping and supporting the community work that takes place. They enjoyed travelling to other communities, seeing what life is like for people here, meeting and chatting to the locals and also helping to support the skills training taking place.

It was an absolute honour and privilege to have some ex students come and visit; they have all grown up, matured and it was lovely to see their desire to want to add and make a difference into society and peoples lives. 

The academic year finishes here on Fri 3rd July, after this I am looking forward to visit friends in Tanzania. Wellspring also has a work in Dar Es Salaam, alongside visiting friends I am looking forward to seeing the work Wellspring are doing there. I will then be coming home for a month in August, I can’t wait to catch up with many of you very soon! Thank you again for your continued support, love and constant communication. Your support has helped to create and make a difference here!