Wednesday, 25 November 2015

A long time coming ...

Its been a very long time since writing on here, apologies for the delay! Lots has happened since I last wrote so lets see if it can all be put down on paper succinctly..!

The last few months have definitely been the season of weddings. Weddings and introductions galore! It has been a real joy to be apart of these special days and to witness many a Ugandan wedding.  I have to say Ugandans know how to host a big party - the weddings are huge and the receptions even bigger! Its almost as if the whole village comes out to celebrate the special day! In amongst all the food, dancing and speeches it is absolutely lovely to hear and see the real honouring of one another taking place. Parents, families and close friends are truly honoured for bringing up their children in a way that is worthy to receive a good partner. I’ve come to see more and more how honouring one another; especially honouring the older in society is so important in the Ugandan culture.         
                                 Wedding dancers in traditional wear

Wellspring School Open Day

Getting ready for the march
Class dancing
The Nursery, Primary and Secondary school had its open day last Saturday. The day started with a marching band and the whole school marching from the football stadium to the school. All in all we marched around 3 km, band playing and happy children walking to advertise the schools work in the area.  After the march, we met parents and other members of families at the Wellspring site for a time of celebration of the successes the students and teachers have seen throughout the year. Each class presented a little drama, poem, song or dance. The little ones in particular were very cute, especially the baby class who had made a whole outfit out of newspaper!
Newspaper outfits

The secondary school enjoyed learning how to make liquid detergent soap and Vaseline with one of the new science teachers. During the open day the students enjoyed teaching parents and the younger students what they have learnt through practical demonstrations.

Teacher Justus and the students making liquid soap

Graduation time
During the open day the nursery students also enjoyed graduating and are now ready to join the primary school in February.  

New Resources
Thanks to Wellspring, parents and students of the secondary school we have been so pleased to be able to buy some more textbooks. This will help us to teach the IGCSE subjects more effectively. Over the last two months, we have also employed 3 new qualified Ugandan teachers to teach the sciences, Business Studies, Economics and History. This really helps to ensure the students are receiving a really good education. Some of these teachers have not taught the International curriculum before and so I am working with them to ensure that there is a cohesive curriculum taught.

 Student sponsors
Thank you to all those people who have offered to sponsor a student through their secondary education. The school year for the Ugandan curriculum is a little different to the International curriculum we follow in the secondary school.  This means that students who have just finished their primary education will start with us at the beginning of February. We are hoping that a few of the students who completed their primary at Wellspring school will continue with us into the secondary. Thank you to all those who have offered to help support some students in doing this. It is such a great help to the families here.

Working at Acacia International School

Last month I was offered a part time job in another international school in the city.  This job has been a real blessing to help further support me financially whilst being here.  The school is called Acacia and I accepted a part time position for a maternity cover for just a day and half a week.

Obligatory picture outside Mandella football Stadium, Namboole
Wellspring has had many a visitor coming through its doors to serve and be apart here. It has been a privilege to have a few of them staying in the house over the past month or so. It has been wonderful to hear stories and glean from some of the people that have lived here in Uganda and have been apart of the foundations of Wellspring. It was such fun having Holly to stay; Holly was the primary head teacher here for 7 years.  We enjoyed lots of chatting, lots of laughs and of course as us teachers do some school talk! At the moment Mike & Beryl are here, they are are an amazing couple who came here over 20 years ago and founded Wellspring. It is such a joy to hear the many stories of the beginnings of what started here along time ago. A man called Keith is also with us; he is here for 6 weeks whilst working on the building doing plumbing work and electrical work and general anything that needs doing practically. We have all definitely been enjoying his cooking, amongst many other things whilst he is here, the students especially who had a bread making lesson from him today. Over the course of the last two months there have been many more visitors to speak off, all coming to help and be apart of what is taking place here.

Coming home for Christmas
I’m so looking forward to coming home for Christmas with a special someone. We will be arriving home for a cold Christmassy two weeks and are looking forward to seeing you all soon.

Thank you to everyone for your continued support and love that is shown in many different ways, it is really felt and known! Look forward to seeing you all soon.

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